The winning score in eventing is the competitor with the lowest number of penalties over the three phases; Dressage, Showjumping, Cross Country. The dressage mark is converted into a penalty score. Subsequent jumping phases then add to the dressage score to give a final result. To be in with the best chance of a competitive placing the rider is aiming to finish on their dressage score (FOD)

Each movement in a dressage test is scored out of 10
The judge can use either whole or half marks for scoring
Some movements, such as free walk on a long rein, can be 10 x 2 (double marks)
The collective marks of the dressage test are for the overall picture and presentation of the test, each worth 10. Paces, Implusion, Submission and Rider
BE80 to Novice test are scored out of 200
Once the judge has given the marks, the total is turned into a percentage
The percentage is then taken away from 100 to give the final penalty score
A test marked at 130 will be converted to 65% resulting in 35 penalty score
Loosing Marks in a Dressage Test
As well as maximising your training to get the best marks in a test, be careful not to make any of these errors which which will cause further penalties
No callers. Tests must be performed from memory
No whips 6 you will be asked to drop the whip
No boots or bandages 6 you will be asked to remove them
Do not enter the arena before the bell 2
Entering arena 45secs after the bell 2 90secs before elimination
Not wearing gloves 2

The showjumping course is made up to 8-12 numbered fences
Combinations count as one fence
The aim is to complete the course within the time allowed without knocking any fences down or having a disobedience (stop or run out)
There are no marks for style, although the rider may be spoken to or eliminated if the ground jury deem there to be dangerous riding
Knockdown 4
First disobedience 4
Second disobedience 8
Every sec over time allowed 1
How to get Eliminated
Third disobedience
Fall of rider
Fall of horse
Resistance exceeding 20 secs
Failing got jump next fence within 45secs
Exceeding time limit (twice time allowed)
Error of course
Omission of fence or boundary flag
Re-taking an obstacle already jumped
Jump fence in wrong direction
After being stopped, continuing before the bell
Attempting alternative obstacle whilst disturbed obstacle is being rebuilt
Jumping obstacle not on course
Knocking the timing equipment
Re-attempting a disturbed obstacle before the bell
Not wearing appropriate hat
Failing to cross finish line mounted
Improperly leaving the arena
Receiving unauthorised assistance
Ignoring bell to stop during round
Failure to start 45secs after the bell
If you are eliminated from refusal or run out you are permitted to make up to two attempts to jump a single obstacle in the correct direction before leaving the ring
If you accumulate more than 24 penalties in the showjumping you will have compulsory retirement from XC

Congratulations you've made it to the most thrilling phase of eventing!
The XC course will be made up of 18-25 obstacles (BE80-100)
Combinations count as one obstacle
The aim is to complete the course within the time allowed without any disobedience
There are no marks for style, however you may be stopped if your riding is deemed dangerous. You may also be watched closely if you had a sketchy showjumping round
Time starts when the nose crosses the start line until the nose crosses the finish line
If there is a hold on course, the time of the hold will be deducted from the total time
You must ride through all flags with white on the left and red on the right
You can circle between separately numbered obstacles without penalty provided you have not presented to jump
Combinations must be jumped in order without crossing tracks or going behind an obstacle already jumped
You cannot enter the start box in canter or exit in canter before your time, but you can walk and trot in and out of the start box and up to the first fence without presenting to jump it
First refusal, run out or circle 20
Second refusal, run out or circle 40
Every second over optimum time 0.4
Every second in excess of 15 sec under optimum time 0.4
How to get Eliminated
Third cumulative refusal
Third refusal at same obstacle
Fall of rider
Fall of horse
Error of course not rectified
More than two min of disobedience
Omission of obstacle or flag
Retaking obstacle already jumped
Jump in wrong order
Jumping crossed flags
Exceeding time limit

Once you have completed all three phases the scores from each phase will be totalled to give your finishing score;
DR 35
SJ 0,0
XC 0,1.2
This reads as a score of 35 dressage, clear showjumping, clear cross country jumping with 3 secs over time allowed.
If the time score is circled it means the penalties came from being too fast
The winner is the rider with the lowest score
If two riders finish on the same score, the leading rider will be the one closest to the cross country optimum time
Happy Eventing!